Surrogacy in Canada: Breaking the myths around higher Surrogacy cost in Canada!

Surrogacy in Canada is highly sought after by most of the intended parents across the globe. However, the higher cost of surrogacy is been considered as the only drawback in the same context. So, is there some big reasons to why surrogacy cost more here than any other country around? Let’s find out in the following parts of the blog.

Couple Holding Baby Shoes

Why surrogacy in Canada is so expensive?

Surrogacy in Canada can be more expensive than in other countries due to the country’s healthcare system, legal requirements, and the cost of living. That said, here are some factors that contribute to the cost of surrogacy in Canada. Compared to Eastern European nations like Georgia and Ukraine and Latin American nations like Mexico, Argentina, and surrogacy in Colombia, the cost of surrogacy is significantly greater in Canada.

Medical expenses: Surrogacy in Canada requires medical procedures, including fertility treatments, embryo transfers, and prenatal care. These medical expenses can be costly, and may be required for both the surrogate mother Canada and the intended parents. However, medical costs in Canada are generally lower than in the United States.

Compensation for surrogates: surrogate mother Canada is compensated for their services, which can include base compensation, as well as additional compensation for medical and other expenses. Moreover, surrogates in Canada are typically compensated more than surrogates in other countries, due to the country’s high cost of living and healthcare costs.

Legal fees: Surrogacy in Canada requires legal contracts, agreements, and documentation, which require the assistance of lawyers and legal professionals. These legal fees can add to the overall cost of surrogacy, and may be higher in Canada due to the country’s complex legal requirements.

Surrogacy agency fees: Surrogacy clinic Canada provides a range of services, including matching intended parents with surrogates, managing the surrogacy process, and providing support and guidance to both parties. These services come at a cost, and surrogacy agency fees can be a significant expense for intended parents.

Insurance costs: Health insurance may not cover the cost of surrogacy-related medical expenses, and intended parents may need to purchase insurance policies specifically for surrogacy in Canada. Besides, these insurance policies can be expensive, and may be required for both the surrogate and the intended parents.

Other expenses: There may be other expenses related to surrogacy, such as travel and accommodation costs, background checks, and other fees.

While these costs would be there, intended parents also needs to bear random costs related to egg donor and sperm donor given they are pursuing same sex surrogacy or single parent surrogacy in Canada.

Can I pursue surrogacy without any surrogacy agency in Canada ?

It is possible to pursue surrogacy in Canada without a surrogacy clinic Canada, but it can be more challenging and may require more time and effort on the part of the intended parents. Surrogacy agencies provide a range of services, including matching intended parents with surrogates, managing the surrogacy process, and providing support and guidance to both parties. These services can help to streamline the surrogacy process and ensure that all legal and medical requirements are met.

However, if you choose to pursue surrogacy in Canada without a surrogacy agency, you will need to carefully navigate the legal and medical requirements on your own. Moreover, you will need to find a surrogate on your own, either through personal connections or through online forums or classified ads. Besides, you will also need to arrange for all medical procedures, legal contracts, and other aspects of the surrogacy process on your own.

Also, it is important to keep in mind that surrogacy in Canada is highly regulated, and there are strict legal requirements that must be met. These requirements include obtaining medical and psychological clearances, drafting and signing legal contracts, and following specific procedures for the transfer of embryos and the birth of the child.

On the other hand, if you are considering pursuing surrogacy in Canada without a surrogacy agency, it is advisable to seek professional legal and medical advice to ensure that you are in compliance with all legal requirements and that you receive the best possible medical care throughout the surrogacy process.

Why Surrogacy in Canada so highly recommended?

Canada is considered to have one of the best medical infrastructures in the world due to its universal healthcare system and high-quality medical care. Besides, here are some reasons why surrogacy in Canada is highly recommended :

Universal healthcare: Canada has a universal healthcare system that provides access to medical care for all residents of the country, regardless of their income or social status. This system is publicly funded, meaning that the government pays for most medical expenses, including hospital stays, doctor visits, and medical procedures.

Highly trained medical professionals: Canada has a well-educated and highly trained medical workforce, including doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals. Besides, medical training in Canada is rigorous, and medical professionals are required to meet strict licensing and certification requirements.

Technological advancement: Canada is home to many advanced medical technologies and research facilities, including leading research in fields such as genetics, stem cell research, and neuroscience. This has led to many medical breakthroughs and improved patient outcomes.

Strong regulatory framework: Canada has a strong regulatory framework for medical care, including strict standards for medical devices, drugs, and treatments. This helps to ensure that patients receive safe and effective medical care during their surrogacy journey in the country.

High standards of living: Canada has a high standard of living, which means that residents have access to good nutrition, clean water, and other factors that can contribute to good health.

These factors, along with others, contribute to Canada’s reputation as a country with a high-quality medical infrastructure.

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How to plan your stay in Canada during the surrogacy process ?

If you are planning to stay in Canada for surrogacy, there are several things to consider beforehand:

Visa requirements: Depending on your home country, you may need to obtain a visa to enter Canada. Check with the Canadian embassy or consulate in your home country for information on visa requirements and application procedures.

Length of stay: The length of your stay in Canada will depend on the length of the surrogacy process, which can vary depending on a number of factors. Hence, it is important to plan for a longer stay than you anticipate, as unexpected delays or complications can arise.

Accommodation: You will need to arrange for accommodation during your stay in Canada. So, consider staying in an apartment or house rather than a hotel, as this can be more cost-effective and provide more space and privacy.

Transportation: You will need to arrange for transportation during your stay in Canada, including transportation to and from medical appointments and other locations. This is where you must consider renting a car or using public transportation, such as buses or trains.

Insurance: Make sure that you have adequate insurance coverage for your stay in Canada, including medical insurance and travel insurance. This can help to protect you in case of unexpected medical expenses or other emergencies.

Budget: Plan your budget carefully, taking into account the cost of medical expenses, travel expenses, accommodation, and other expenses related to your stay in Canada. On the other hand, consider working with a financial advisor to help you manage your finances during your stay.

Final words

 Surrogacy comes as a big decision in anyone’s life. So, as you plan up your journey regarding surrogacy in Canada, the above mentioned aspects would come of big help. Still, to make it easier and convenient, do connect with a reputed surrogacy agency in Canada.

Published by IVF conceptions

IVF Conceptions is one of the leading Fertility Medical Tourism Consultancy providing healthcare services in fertility sphere including IVF, Egg Donations, and Surrogacy services, worldwide.

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